I believe we should only interfere with uncivilized nations as a last resort or if they are harming each other - such as the Sawi practice of Cannibalism and fattening for friendship. There is no doubt that the 'modern' world has much to offer the 'stone tribes' living vastly among the world, however I do not agree with forcing our beliefs among others. Christopher Columbus was the first person to set foot in the New World...not including the inhabitants which had been there for at least 10 000 years. In a diary entry he wrote :
"October 12, 1492:
It appears to me, that the people are ingenious, and would be good servants and I am of opinion that they would very readily become Christians, as they appear to have no religion."
It seems as if Don Richardson is a modern day Christopher Columbus. Maybe he too will one day have a day marked in his name among the tribes of the Irian jungle. I do not agree with him going to the Sawi tribes and telling them the way life ought to be lived. Believing in Jesus is not instinct - not wanting to die is. He could have taught morals and ethics to the people through the stories of the bible however not have told the people that they are real. Society is becoming blindly fanatical and narcissistic. Richardson compares himself to Jesus and John the Baptist many times in this novel. "John the Baptist's communication problem was a cinch compared to mine...It looked as though God had led me to the end of the earth and left me alone to grapple with a problem greater than and He had ever required prophets or apostles to face." Don Richardson is representing the way society would go in there - for their own interest. The traders go into these uncivilized tribes looking for raw materials which prove useful to them, missionaries enter these cultures hoping to convert some 'savages.' Everyone seems to be in it for their own interest.
Society should expose these uncivilized communities to the modern way of life - which they (most likely) may one day join. Society should also help them with their material needs. However if they are comfortable with their culture and choose not to join ours we should leave them alone. If they are 'performing' another Rwanda, that is when we should use force and power and not sit back and watch the destruction and slaying of the people. By instinct the human body will fight to survive - this is why force must be issued if they do not follow this basic instinct. Overall education should be provided to all uncivilized and civilized nations - because this is how we will one day all unite in the world of cellphones and french fries - whether we like it or not.
"October 12, 1492:
It appears to me, that the people are ingenious, and would be good servants and I am of opinion that they would very readily become Christians, as they appear to have no religion."
It seems as if Don Richardson is a modern day Christopher Columbus. Maybe he too will one day have a day marked in his name among the tribes of the Irian jungle. I do not agree with him going to the Sawi tribes and telling them the way life ought to be lived. Believing in Jesus is not instinct - not wanting to die is. He could have taught morals and ethics to the people through the stories of the bible however not have told the people that they are real. Society is becoming blindly fanatical and narcissistic. Richardson compares himself to Jesus and John the Baptist many times in this novel. "John the Baptist's communication problem was a cinch compared to mine...It looked as though God had led me to the end of the earth and left me alone to grapple with a problem greater than and He had ever required prophets or apostles to face." Don Richardson is representing the way society would go in there - for their own interest. The traders go into these uncivilized tribes looking for raw materials which prove useful to them, missionaries enter these cultures hoping to convert some 'savages.' Everyone seems to be in it for their own interest.
Society should expose these uncivilized communities to the modern way of life - which they (most likely) may one day join. Society should also help them with their material needs. However if they are comfortable with their culture and choose not to join ours we should leave them alone. If they are 'performing' another Rwanda, that is when we should use force and power and not sit back and watch the destruction and slaying of the people. By instinct the human body will fight to survive - this is why force must be issued if they do not follow this basic instinct. Overall education should be provided to all uncivilized and civilized nations - because this is how we will one day all unite in the world of cellphones and french fries - whether we like it or not.
1 comment:
I think you have a nice idea, but what if we have medicines or technology that can help save the lives of many so-called "uncivilized" people? Is it right to just watch as hundreds of people die of diseases that, with our advanced technology, could easily be cured? Of course, interfering medically will only lead to more and more interfering, but still, aren't those lives worth saving?
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