Although there are people in the world who believe faith is only about religion, and believe that having faith in something that cannot be seen or proven is believing in stories such as Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy and view faith as something for the weak-minded and the foolish. However what one does not realize is that faith is around us everywhere. If we think about things in our lives we cannot direct and manipulate; a train for instance. Every weekend when I board the KTX I have faith this machine will drag its contents and passengers to their destination. I also have faith that the conductor has paid attention when being taught how to operate the machine. As well as this I have faith the conductor will not allow the train to slide off the tracks. These things are tangible though, we can see the train moving.
The skeptics and cynics may state the obvious, that this is clearly based upon science and education. Science applies itself by the mechanics of making the train move. Education is what taught the conductor to keep the train moving. What we forget is that we once had faith that these would work, and not only until we tested out faith (theories) that we knew the train would move. Yes science and knowledge are key factors when thinking of trains and cars, but then that makes me question emotions. I have faith that my mother loves me unconditionally. Even the strongest Atheist would agree love is present in our world. I can not physically see my mothers love, because my mother hugs me is no proof she loves me. Love is based on faith there is no way to prove it in tangible means. Almost all religions when broken down come to an assumption and belief in love. And this comes down to faith.
Even if I deny faith when it is exercised through religion, I still have faith just as everyone in the world does. The world has intangible faith. Faith is something beyond every one's control, which means we believe in something we cannot prove. Many aspects of religion are pleasant thoughts such as someone always listening to you, heaven, merit points for being "good" however faith truly boils down to believing in something bigger than oneself when it come to 'religious faith and the world.'
Faith is believing in the not yet proven. It is trusting and it is loving. Faith reminds me of the "trust game" where you fall back into your partners arms and have faith they will catch you. Not having faith is choosing to not listen and participate in the world around you. Faith does not have to be religious however can be in the simplest form such as knowing that tomorrow your cell phone will work or that the burger joint will have french fries.
How Does Faith Relate to the World in Which we Live?
What do mission organizations do?

When I did some research, it seems that mission organizations, Christians, Churches as well as missionaries do not hold the same views and cannot comply on what God has asked them to do in their missions. Let's start simple; a missisonary is a follower of Jesus called to go into an unknown culture and spread evangelism or other activities, "as educational or hospital work". And this is true for many mission organizations. Usually this is done in the form of preaching - or translating the Testament into Sawi- and "church planting". This would be very worthy to respect for most, if not all, Christians.
Before one can be a missionary, they must have attended Bible school as well as have sufficient funding - to support the organization. Bible school is a must because it is known that missionaries preach, and this is what the world view is when asked " What do mission organizations do?" My first answer would have been, 'they go to foreign lands and preach the word of God.' However, going through many testaments of missionaries it seems Bible school and preaching is not first on their list - showing their love and Jesus' love to orphans, youth, and the uneducated is what it's really about for them. Which in many ways is meritable. A lot of these mission organizations are sending missionaries out to demonstrate God's love to people, not by preaching to them or judging them, but rather by loving them and exhibiting the way to lead a better life. Many mission organizations still follow a more traditional approach by "church planting" and preaching.
I believe that mission organization need to have a greater cause other then converting people to Christianity and what they believe is "right" A true Christian based organization - in my opinion- should be showing the people how to live a better life by demonstrating to them how to love each other. And that was Jesus' true message - Love one another.
"You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth...Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable."
-- Kahlil Gibran
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